At LINKS, many different people have been continuously pursuing militant and social politics from below since the 2020 Vienna elections. We campaign against all forms of discrimination and consistently stand for climate and distributive justice.

We engage in district politics, campaigns and demonstrations, distribute free meals and offer social counseling in public spaces. We support movements, e.g. in Lobau against the city road or the trade union movement in the annual wage negotiations.

LINKS does not stand for business as usual. Our answers are as radical as reality.

The unjust system in which we live must change fundamentally – for you, for others, for everyone. This is possible and necessary. We are committed to this.


The AK election 2024 will take place from April 10 to 23. If you work in a larger company, you will probably be able to cast your vote in person on one or more days during this period. For more detailed information, it is best to ask your works council. If you work in a smaller company, do not have a works council or there is no election in your company for other reasons, you will automatically be sent a letter with a voting card.

If an election is taking place at your company, you can also apply for a postal voting card yourself if you are unable to attend on election day for whatever reason. You can get more information about this from the AK Wahlbüro.

If you vote by absentee ballot, your absentee ballot can arrive as early as April 2.


In April, we can elect LINKS to the AK General Assembly!

Many people know the AK as a service organization: a place to turn to if you have a problem at work. Although the AK offers advice on labor law issues, it is also much more than that.

The AK is the democratically elected representation of all employees in Austria. The political direction of the AK is decided in the AK General Assembly. This is why the AK General Assembly is often referred to as the parliament of employees. This is exactly where we as LINKS want to go and make a fuss!

Champion the chamber! – with LINKS!


You can also vote in the AK election if you are not an Austrian citizen. You just have to have been a member of the AK on the cut-off date, January 3, 2024. LINKS is only running in Vienna. Therefore, you must be a member of AK Vienna to vote for LINKS.

Am I a member of AK Vienna?
Yes, if you receive the AK Vienna magazine every month, you are a member of AK Vienna.

However, you may not receive the magazine and still be an AK member (perhaps because the AK does not know your current address or you were mean to your mail carrier).

In principle, all employees are AK members. This explicitly includes

  • the unemployed
  • Public servants
  • Employees of all public corporations
  • Presidents & executives of interest groups, if the occupational group represented belongs to the AK
  • Employees of cooperatives in agriculture and forestry with 5 or more employees
  • Home workers
  • Freelance employees (also marginally employed)

If you are marginally employed, an apprentice, on parental leave, in civil or military service or have been unemployed for less than 12 months, you must be entered in the voters’ register. The best way to do this is to contact the AK election office on +43 1 501 65 0!

There are some exceptions for professional groups that are not members. If you are still not sure whether you are a member of AK Vienna, you can also simply call the AK election office and ask: +43 1 501 65 0.


The AK election elects the plenary assembly of the Chamber of Labor. In Vienna, this consists of 180 chamber members. These form the so-called parliament of employees. The AK is one of the most important institutions for representing the interests of employees in Austria.

The General Assembly makes important fundamental decisions on how the AK fulfills its tasks, decides on the budget and elects the president.

A strong left-wing force in the General Assembly can

  • influence the demands of the AK, such as campaigning more strongly for the 30-hour week and against bogus self-employment,

  • shape counseling and offer it in more languages and create more counseling services for queer people,#

  • monitor the work of the AK.

That’s why we need your vote for a strong left-wing force in the AK!Vote LINKS at the AK? Champion the chamber!