LINKS Wieden!

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Our district council in Wieden


Single mother and grandmother. District councillor since 2
015. Wieden has been my home district for 22 years. Without my flat in municipal housing, I could never afford to live in my dream district – despite having higher education and a long working life in the social sector. Despite excessively high rents and prices,
Wieden is as colourful as few other districts in Vienna. More people with transnational biographies and non-Austrian citizenship live here than elsewhere. I run for office to ensur
e that the resources of our district (i.e. Budget, housing, public space, schools, cultural institutions, political participation, etc.) are equally available to ALL people and groups. That’s what LINKS stands for!

Our manifesto for Wieden

Participation in decision-making

“The most revolutionary thing one can do is always to proclaim loudly what is happening.” ― Rosa Luxemburg

We want to address things as they are, without fudging or obscuring them. Projects in our district must be implemented swiftly and transparently, instead entangling them in excessive bureaucracy. The council offices in Favoritenstraße must become more approachable, which entails increased openness, friendliness and acessability. Information must be comprehensible to all and should also be available in the most current foreign languages.

Free spaces

Make the few green areas accessible!

Wieden is a district with comparatively few green areas, the largest of which are privately owned and not open to the public. We call for the largest green area in the district, the Theresianum Park, as well as the Theresianum swimming pool to be opened to the public, as they have been until the beginning of the 20th century. The Theresianum Park shall serve as a recreational area for all of Wieden’s residents, especially on hot summer days.

Vacancy and unused spaces

Many apartments and commercial stand empty and unused. This is as major an issue for Wieden, as it is for Vienna as a whole.

A well-known and visible example is the former theatre/cinema “Mala Strana” on Mittersteig, which is derelict for 20 years and is owned by a real estate company known for its speculative practices. We demand for these spaces to be expropriated and made available for use by artistic and non-profit initiatives, such as give-away shops, local exchange trading circles, food coops and repair cafés.

About LINKS Wieden

Get involved in Wieden with LINKS!

We are a colourful bunch. Our ages range from 18 to almost 80, and we come from various political backgrounds: left, critical-green, committed to peace and women’s politics, from Donnertagsdemo to Wien Anders, from KPÖ to Volksstimme. Not all of us live in Wieden, but all are attached to it in one way or another.
We are headed by Amela, our current district councillor (formerly green), who knows all the intricacies of district politics, the availbilities in public space and the particularities of our district’s housing structure
. We are concerned with traffic and transport issues, housing and business vacancies as well as student and queer agendas. We are convinced that all people who live here, should have the right to vote.

In the 4th district only 68% of the population had the full right to vote in 2019, 17.7% were EU citizens and were only allowed to vote at district level, while 14.3% were so-called “third-country nationals” with no voting rights at all. That means that 32% of Wieden residents are excluded from elect
ions. We plan events in public park to address our focus areas such as mobility, housing, local exchange exchange trading cricles and neighbourly help. We invite all residents to sit down with us to discuss how together we can shape our disctrict for the better.

The candidates for the elections in 2020

  1. Mag.a Amela Mirkovic
  2. Anna László, BA MA
  3. DSA Helga Wolfgruber
  4. Moritz Bürchner
  5. Mag.a Barbara Steiner
  6. Melanie Berger
  7. Amir Amiri
  8. Maria Kohen
  9. Bärbel Mende
  10. Simon Neuhold
  11. DI Dr. Hans Peter Degischer

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