The LINKS candidates
left to right: Diana Möslinger, Stefan Ohrhallinger, Berry Maletzky, Heidi Rieder, Mo Aschar, Flo Rath, Monika Mokre, Dr. Carina Karner, Christin Spormann, Beatrice Signorello, Sheri Avraham, Stefan Sabler
List position 1:
Florian Rath
Click on the picture for more information about Flo.
List position 2:
Diana Leah Möslinger
Click on the picture for more information about Diana.
List position 3:
Sheri Avraham
Click on the picture for more information about Sheri.
List position 4:
Mo Asghar
Click on the picture for more information about Mo.
List position 5:
Heidi Rieder
Click on the picture for more information about Heidi.
List position 6:
Monika Mokre
Click on the picture for more information about Monika.
List position 7:
Christin Spormann
Click on the picture for more information about Christin.
List position 8:
Berry Maletzky
Click on the picture for more information about Berry.
List position 9:
Beatrice Signorello
Click on the picture for more information about Bea.
In addition to the nine top candidates, there are 43 other people on the LINKS list in solidarity:
- Kurto Wendt
- Julia Staud
- Amela Pokorski
- Stefan Sabler
- Maria Kohen
- Farhat Azami
- Jakob Fürst
- Sebastian Elisa Pfeifer
- Himali Pathirana
- Stefan Ohrhallinger
- Noah Essl
- Amsel Miesenberger
- Andras Daradics
- Angelika Adensamer
- Anna László
- Anton Tantner
- Ariel Simulevski
- Benjamin Traugott
- Carina Karner
- Cordula Beck
- Elisabeth Profanter
- Elwira Schlesinger
- Farahnaz Amirnia
- Flora Lola Fath Ruiz
- Florian Gecse
- Florian Rogger
- Georg Beischlager
- Hannah Rambausek
- Heide Hammer
- Hussein Kaywan
- Isa Knilli
- Jessica Gasior
- Mari Mikanik
- Michael Aldo Poscoleri-Kegele
- Mohammad Salehi
- Mohammed Ehsan Bathri
- Noushin Yousefi
- Patrick Liebl
- Pedro del Real Lavergne
- Philipp Polzhofer
- Roman Gutsch
- Sascha Büchi
- Thomas Schöpp