On the 27th of April the elections for the Viennese City Council and the 23 District Councils of Vienna will be held. While you need to be an Austrian Citizen to vote in the City Council election, any citizen of the European Union with main residency in Vienna is allowed to vote in the District Council elections!

All you need is:

  • Be a citizen of any country belonging to the European Union
  • Have had your main residency in Vienna registered before the 28th of January 2025
  • Have an official identification with a photo (such as your passport)
  • And a couple of minutes on the 27th of April!

And here is how you do it:

Some days or weeks before the election you will receive a “Amtliche Wahlinformation” (official election information). On it, you will find the address of your “Wahllokal” (polling station). All you need to do is go to that polling station on Sunday the 27th of April during opening hours (usually 08:00-17:00) and show your ID. Then you will be able to cast your vote!

If you are not in Vienna (or otherwise occupied) on the 27th of April you can request to vote by mail. You can request to do this through mail or personally at your “Bezirksamt” (district office) or online under this link (https://www.wien.gv.at/advwahlkarte/internet/Antrag.aspx?AArt=5&WID=BV251) until the 23rd of April. Once you have received your ballot and voted, you can send it by mail to your district office. It has to arrive there before the 27th of April, so best request it right away and send it in as early as possible!

And that’s all it takes to make your voice heard and be a part in shaping the future of the district you live in!