Help with your rent

Having problems with the rent? You can call here

Guidance and first aid

  • Renters initiative: Mon 15:00 – 18:00 , Thu 10:00 – 13:00 /  Tel. 01-3194486
  • Arbeiterkammer: Mo-Fr 8:00-12:00, Tel.: 01-50165-1345
  • Distric support (Districts 1010/1030/1040/1050/1110): Mon, Wed, Fri 14:00-18:00, Tue 9:00-13:00, Thu 9:00-18:00 (in-person meeting possible), Tel.: 01-6023138 (different numbers depending on the district)

Rent subsidy

  • MA 50: Tel.: 01-4000-74880 (housing assistance)
  • MA 40: Tel.: 01-4000-8040 (minimum pension, Mindestsicherung)

Rent debt and eviction danger

  • FAWOS 01-2185690-85010 (Private and cooperative “Genossenschaft” flats)
  • MA40 Erdbergstraße: 01-4000-11420 (Gemeindebau, public housing)


  • Caritas – Corona Emergency help Hotline Tel.: 051776300
  • Diakonie – Counceling: Mon, Tue, Thu, 09:00-14:00, Tel.: 01-20858931
  • Neunerhaus: Mon-Fri 10:00-15:00, Tel.: 01-9900909900

Call often, be persistent, don’t let them get rid of you, get help (friends, family)

When nothing works, please let Regina know:  0664-3864858 (HOPE – Austria)

It is possible that you have no right to help, we are fighting to change that.

Unconditional right to housing for all!